Thursday, September 15, 2011

Soo, I could begin to post again, since this is as close as there is to a Dear Diary!

Bullet points for life since the last post:
Glasgow in summer of 2010
Glasgow in Nov-Dec 2010
Afib/mini-stroke Jan 2011
Recovery and on mega meds - ongoing.
Test trip back May-June 2011
Back for 2 months, after 2 postponements, Sept 14th 2011. Knee injury, then Hurricane Irene!
Greeted by friends, Colin, Morag, Brian, Sharon, Patsy, Tommy & Christine!
The city is the same. Smells the same. I still love it.
The day is beautiful.
Was asked the first thing I'd do when I got here. After sleeping 12 hours, catching up with Christine, I went for a haircut!
My disastrous trim had to be straightened out. Now I am presentable.
Then grocery shopping.
Then back to the flat for a sandwich, dessert and reading the paper.

Going to stop in at the Piper to watch the Celtics play. Pick up the bag of clothes, etc. I left last time.

1 comment:

Commander Zaius said...


Just surfing around on the internet wasting time. Saw your Blogger profile and just stopped by to say hello.