Sunday, February 11, 2007

More of the Now but writing it makes it Then

The priest told a joke today: Little girl goes to her first wedding. She asks her mother why the bride is dressed in white. Mother replies, "Well, the white is the color of happieness and joy." The little girl replies, " Why is the groom dressed in black?" You know - it's a good question. No real relevance here, but I liked the joke and the venue.

Friday night I had an excellent sleep. In fact I slept almost 12 hours. When I woke up, I made coffee, got the paper (Saturday Times had most of the non-news of the Sunday paper in it) and read the whole thing. Mag and book review, too. Such luxury. Then in the late afternoon I showered, dressed and went out to return my overdue library books. Another adventure in futility. The automated system wouldn't let me pay my fine. Arghh. Left library, still owing .20 which means on my return visit I won't be able to take out any books. And i wonder why I frequent Barnes and Noble and so frequently.......

After the library fiasco I went to the newly expanded and renovated Health Food store. Very very nice! And the owner is such a nice man, I'm happy for him. I bought $17 worth of food then went across the street to Taco Bell for a Taco salad and Stuffit Burrito. Uh huh. Is that like burning the candle at both ends?

I wanted to have a good night's sleep so I would be up in time for church. Read, relaxed, took a bath and when I turned out the lights my eyelids SPRANG open!!!! After 10 minutes of this I stuck a DVD in the machine and watched 2 episodes of Doctor Who. Not sure when I went to sleep but I did get up in time and got to church in time to cut off the branches that would surely poke out the eyes of someone less than 5'4''. And guess what! I was up for reading the Old Testament (schedule change). Jeremiah.

After church I went home then to the DL's. I had stamps for L and she had soup, an article and a cookbook for me. The cats ignored me. Humph. They will be around when it is feeding time, I bet.

Mauricio called and came over to put in the shoe molding (aka quarter round) for the tile job. I really have to learn how to use all the blog's capabilities so then I can post a picture. He is fine, packing and packing and getting ready for the move to Maine.

By begging and shopping I collected enough quarters to do all my laundry - except the pillows. At last! Nothing dirty except what I am wearing, and the pillows.

I hope I didn't get Mac's bug. Last night I had a slight sore throat and today I've had a headache all day, and feeling punky.

Thermal top, heavy sweater, Polar Fleece. Yes, it is me with a backhanded way of saying I am still cold.

Walter's aunt died so he will be off to Georgia for the funeral. I suggested to FRB+ that we postpone the Vestry meeting because of this and also because it is/might snow. Without him we have to leave a few important things off the agenda, and still haven't sent out the pledge letter.

Church was much easier when you just went, listened, put money in the plate, took communion and left. That I have found is the barest snowflake on the tip of the iceberg of a working church. For instance: Monday morning is money counting and going to the bank. Wednesday is Tea, Service and Vestry meeting. (and if I miss tea I get a call from FRB+) Friday is preparing for the Mardi Gras party. Saturday is the party. Sunday, back again to church and the cycle begins again. Now none of this is odious and a lot of it is enjoyable, and with very very few exceptions the people are lots of fun. But when it is cold, I get grumpy, (and I've asked around to friends and family and they all say I am like this every year) so the solution must be that I need to go WHERE IT IS WARM!!!!! Or hibernate.

Another downside to my cold/frustration is that I keep picking paint on my doors, jambs, windows, etc. How silly is that - but how tempting. My humidifier is peeling the paint off my window in the bedroom. So I can breathe, have a good night's sleep and get up to peel paint. Say what?? I really need to fix up the 'Summer Palace' as an alternative bedroom. Right now you can barely see the couch for all the stuff piled on it. And forget the closets! In fact I should take pictures of them so I will feel satisfaction when I clean them out. I do feel a purge coming on soon.

So I am off now. Books to read, videos to watch, Bufferin to take, baths with bath oils. I have to prepare for money counting with Allen, furniture moving in the middle of the day and then -

(drum roll) An evening out with the girls! Tomorrow night. Novo. Jazz and Corona for me. Heaven knows who else is coming but it should be fun.

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