Saturday, April 21, 2007

Art Fair, Books, Art again

The week of culture continued. Thursday morning I was up early for the Art Fair. It was great, so much better than last year.

Several interesting galleries presented exhibits. Artists in Exile - refugees, asylum seekers and new immigrants. The work was powerful and I saw a connection between this and NICE in JH. NICE works with the same type of populations except here the people are from Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Art in Hospital, a project whereby artists go to hospitals and hospices to work with patients has produced some wonderful work. Last year I spoke at length with the founder and wonder why we don't have something like it. This year I looked at the works and found a piece, mixed media, that I really liked. The exhibit guide said only buy something if you like it. I went back three times and finally decided I wanted it. But when I went to pay with credit card, they only took cash! Hmm, since the flat is about half a block away, I asked them to put a sticker on it and dashed back for some cash. I also got the book which describes the project and profiles some of the artists.

I did see one work, a print, that had a date and was tempted to buy it, but (1) I didn't like it much and (2) it cost GBP 100. Not at the current exchange rate, thanks.

After leaving the art fair I headed to the art store and bought a piece of foam core. Back at the flat I made a rigid but light package to mail the picture home and took it to the PO.

Good fun for Thursday.

Friday I spent most of the day reading Louise Perry's first book Still Cold. I forgot how stunned I get after this - reading for a long time.

I got an email from a friend saying her sister died after a battle with cancer. My first inclination was to call, but AZ is even earlier than NY, so I sent an email. I probably would have been crying on the phone, so I will call her when I get back. Marnie, the sister, was very kind to me when I was little, and I've never forgotten it.

Saturday, today, I woke up early, then nodded off again. Finally made some coffee and breakfast, checked mail, etc. and did some research.

Artists in Exile had a reception this afternoon at their space so I went there for a while and chatted with Fiona, the woman in charge. More powerful art.

Then a hunt around bookstores for some books my DIL is looking for. Forbidden Planet, A1 Comics, Borders, Waterstones, W.H. Smith - EHHH! No dice. Will consult tomorrow on a revised plan.

Came back after ambling around in time to see Doctor Who in 1930's NYC. The Daleks are back, and it was part 1 - continued next week.

Ten o' clock and I am thinking of turning in. Tomorrow is the first day of Dazzle! the traveling jewellery show. I've been twice before and really like Nick Hubbard's silver work. I think I have 2 pieces of his.

Okay, battery low, brain power low.

Outta here.

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