Saturday, March 31, 2007

March 31

Slept really late - noon. The sun streaming in the window and I was all warm and comfy. MMmm.

Got up, made coffee - 2 filters full. Not much of a buzz. Bummer. Ate cottage cheese and pineapple for breakfast. Yum.

Took advantage of the shower offer and went across the way.

I went out, more to buy a paper than to do heavy shopping. Bought some food, looked in the Gap to see how much my $29.99 pants cost here. Not surprisingly - GBP 29.50. Lots of good people watching on a Sat. The Goths all congregate behind Borders - a sea of spiky pink/green/purple hair and Lots of black clothes.

Must have caffeine! Must have coffee! I went to Starbucks and got a Latte Grande. Ahhhh, that was better.

My flowers still smell wonderful and I fixed the shades so the front window are completely up. No one can see in because I face the top of the Council building. I see birds.

Doctor Who new season starts in a few minutes. Certainly the high point of my day! I have never seen David Tennant (own but haven't seen last season) and there is a new Companion. If this is all mysterious to you, dear reader, Google "Doctor Who" + BBC and read all about it.

Plans? Umm. Go to the Modern Art Museum? Brunch at the place around the corner? Read the paper in the Square? Don't have any idea. Stay tuned.

March 30 posting

Well, if you can't post one place, do another. Plan B.

The shower really doesn't work. Christine, the apt. manager and friendly person I've been talking with each time I stay, called the plumber. He said they will have to order a new unit and it won't be here until Monday. Boo. But, she gave me the key to Flat 11, right next door and vacant, so I can shower over the weekend if I want to. YAY!

Had trouble getting to sleep last night, but woke at 7, said Good Grief, and rolled over. The alarm got me up at 8:45 and I made coffee. Good, but not enough. Tomorrow I will double the amount.

Didn't do much, wandered around, Thank goodness for Pound Saver shops, equivalent to 99 cent stores. I got washcloths (6 for a pound) because, as usual I forgot. I definitely have more purchased abroad than I do bought in the US. Also tissues. When I travel my nose runs for a day or two or three.

More construction work being done in the city. I wish I'd taken more general pictures when I first started coming here. Then I'd be able to compare. Fortunately they like to rehab rather than raze, so maybe that is why I am not shocked when I come back. But there is this weird quilted metal skinned building on Watt St. I have to take a look at. I can't tell if it's protection while something is being done to it or an 'architectural statement' I missed.

Just saw the last 5 minutes of the movie 'Michael'. I really like the ending. Movie? Eh, but Andie McDowell does a great song in it.

Going to be sunny for the weekend. Nice.

No plans, and that's fine.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Back - here AND in Glasgow

Uh huh.

The briefish gap in my postings were/are due to lots of niggling things. You know, the thises and thats of the world. And the planning of my trip to Scotland.

Yes, here I am. It is 10 at night here but I am listening the WQXR radio station 5:00 news. If you are of a certain age, I don't think you could ever imagine that, (a) you would be renting a flat in Scotland for about a month. and (b) most definitely NOT be listening to a NYC radio station on your (c) Laptop??? Oh, I forgot the 2 cell phone calls I got a few hours ago from the Son Unit.

A brief review: Maxjet Airways sent me an email saying they were having a limited time half-price round trip rate, but it would end on X day. Sensibly, I said to myself, Self - don't be tempted. . . .Another email - Hey, we are extending the sale until March 12th (buy the ticket but fly until Sept.). Self said: Why not? And Self booked for March 28th, returning May 3rd. It took about 90 seconds online.

Oh yes:
How to get from London to Glasgow? The first time I looked at the EasyJet fare it was $60, but it went up to $90 by the time I booked it.

Then: Well, what else is happening there? Oh, concerts, craft fairs, jewelry show, spring flowers, Glasgow Art Fair. Okay, that sounds like fun.

And where are you staying? Quick! Call SACO serviced apartments, is anything available from 03/29-04/30? Yes? YAY!!!

But, what will you do after you leave Glasgow on April 30? Two days? I spent hours exploring ideas on the web. London is outrageously expensive and I was just there. Wales? Fun, but the expression, you can't get there from here applies when going from North to Southish West. Scillys, the same. Hmm.

Brighton, or as they once had a t-shirt I regret not buying: BRightOn! A special at the Grand Hotel ( Brighton is fun, the Grand is Grand, and the price was so much lower for 5 nights than 2 nights in London, that I will be leaving Glasgow on the 26th, taking the Sleeper train to London, navigating the Underground system from Euston Station to Victoria and taking the train to Brighton on the 27th. Rain or shine, the place is fine! (the sleeper isn't cheap anymore but fun.)

The last leg: Leaving Brighton, getting to Liverpool Station (more Underground Orienteering), taking the Stansted Express to the airport, staying overnight at the airport hotel (the same one that Maxjet gave me a coupon to use this morning to 'freshen up' at) and home on a morning flight on the 3rd.

The trip was amazingly non-eventful. Bag packed fine, no sitting to close. Cab was on time, traffic fine. Lounge boring but okay. Flights fine, airport to town bus was cheap and dropped me off across the square from the flat. Flat is fine.

So here I am. I took a little nap (three phone calls put the end to That), decided to shop for food rather than go to the concert tonight, bought myself a lovely bouquet of spring flowers for the bedroom, had a healthy dinner and am finishing a glass of rose.

Tomorrow the Flat manager (a woman I've had many conversations with in the past - all pleasant) is coming over, then I will go exploring and see how many ways I can have fun.

It is great to be back. Here and Here!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Celt of a different cloth

Yep, despite being mostly French (to my great surprise), I regard myself as of the Scottish rather than the Irish breed of Gael. But aren't they all Celts? Too late to do the research to find out. Needless to say no green bagels or beer here.

Wuzz up? 14th was vestry meeting, followed by call from friend in AZ. Sleep time? Not much. 15th was taking MsBelle's MAC to doc in 'the city' followed by stop in to Willa, followed by home and sleep. I think.

Small glitch, unless I mentioned this before: the bathroom sink was sloooow draining so I used the plunger. Uh huh. A very good way to pull up all the disgusting sludge and stray leaves that have been blocking our Octogenarian drain pipes. I left the grossness in the sink, too tired and dispirited to deal. Late Friday it drained and I bleached the heck out of it and closed the drain.

Still feeling low so cancelled all Friday and Saturday appointments. Rescheduled M for Saturday AM. He came, assessed the work I would like done, hung a cool lamp for me and as he was doing that the House Prez called and wanted him to do work in the Super's apt. Yay for personal recommendations. Then he went 'Kinnward' amd fixed the armoire.

Feeling low: Too much emotional stuff. I got so good at ZIP filing my emotions that when they began to unzip, I feel completely bereft. It is a strong possibility that this is why I've been running a fever. Seeing Saul on Monday anyway.

I also had breakfast with BP-F. Such a great person. I hope we can continue to work together.

Is that all? Haven't been out since the sleet storm started and going a little stir crazy. Laundry, trying to turn the Room of Doom back into the Guest Room, these are positive things!

Vestry approved the Pruning Project. Now I have to line up a liaison to work with Green Rose while I'm away.

I seem to be rambling. Tomorrow is church - I do OT, then meeting with FRB+, then brunch with M. then?

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fever, chills, lethargy - is it Spring?

Saturday night. No sleep. Well, 4:30 to wake at 6:30. Up, church, home, chills, under 2 comforters, sleep an hour. Bone chillingly cold, up, hot shower. Very hot, lobster Betsy. Dry, on with the sweats, fleece socks, sweater, fleece jacket, fleece hat. Ahhh. Warm. Sleep 4 hours, wake up drenched. Wash off, change clothes, watch tv, read paper, repeat hot, cold. Shower at 5:50. Awake until 6. Deep sleep but supposed to get up at 8 to get to church at 9. Awakened by DIL call at 9:35. ARGHH! Throw on clothes, rush over to church, feel s*(&^!, count money, take to bank. Come home, eat, have coffee and struggle to stay awake by cleaning up and trying not to think about why I feel so awful. V calls @11:30 and I tell her my tale of woe. She keeps me up until 12:30 when I say, Bathtime! Bath and sleep, glorious sleep. Until she calls me to wake me up at 9:30! And then at 9:35. She knows me so well.

Off to BMG for some serious emotional calesthenics which left me drained, shaken, feeling raw like I'd been sand-papered. That is what happens when you try to stuff things down. Oh, sorry, are in denial. Going to be a tough time ahead.

On the good news front:

Made the flight reservations, got notice tonight that SACO has a place for me in Glasgow.

The bulbs at church are looking strong and not damaged too much by the crazy January weather.

I think I have all the financing in place for the pruning work at church. Friends and family and lovers of things growing.

Martha is coming on Friday. Always good to have a clean place.

Okay, my head is hurting so I'm going to take something and see if I can get over this illness without calling the doctor.

Sto Pro

Friday, March 9, 2007

Bullets of the day

Bullets of the day

  • Wake - Talk to Velma
  • Shower - wash - breakfast - 1st email scan of the day
  • Get paper - read
  • Talk to FRB+ - find out proposal was not even brought up at Thursday's meeting. Am I shocked, no. Say I will ask to have it considered for the vestry meeting agenda on the 14th.
  • Call from Rachel - HELP! - go and fold, cut, stuff envelopes for church mailing.
  • Call from Msbelle - emergency pick up of MAC.
  • Home for key, snack, lion
  • Pick up MAC - walk home to the MAC Mansion
  • Play with MAC - chat with MsB
  • Drugstore
  • Home
  • 2nd email scan of the day
  • Eat
  • TV - Clattaford, or Chattaford - BBCAmerica V. funny BritCom
  • Make travel arrangements to go to UK - Maxjet is having sale $499 one way so book for trip from March 28th returning May 1st. Partially prompted by looking at concert schedule at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Partially because too many frantic, hysterical & dysfunctional people around me. And I don't mean any friends or family.
  • Reply to emails - write blog, retire.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Lost in Translation

So I have this vision of pruning the trees at the church. I tell M&C that I would, with their approval, solicit bids. Ok. I solicit bids (3). I review said bids, and based on quality of same, personal recommendations, pricing, pick one. Submit it. Yes? No? I ask who has to OK it. A person. A committee. I submit bid to committee. Lukewarm/negative response. I spell out how work can be funded. And we are talking really small words here.

I receive call from head person querying me as to whether I had been in contact with my main contact (got that?). No, other than submitting recommendation on paper. Why? Chain of command I say. HP says, you know the individuals involved and that is all you did? No follow up? No, other than emailing the whole committee with a wonderfully written and edited (by my BDF) letter and the proposal. I relied on chain of command.

So what am I missing here? Should I have followed up with a friendly call? I thought it might be interpreted as nagging and act against me. What did HP mean? Was HP panicking? If work is not approved then I have DMM up in arms.

You know, Florida sounds mighty good right now. And Scotland. Very very good.

On a brighter note, my partner and I accomplished a lot today on the book. And had sushi.

If I were a creative person, I'd like to do a big painting of axons and neurons firing. I would use little LEDs scattered randomly through out the canvas, flashing randomly. Hmm. I think I will investigate this. Anything is possible now a days if you can master the technology.

I might have to fulfill my longing for Indian food tomorrow. Japanese, Latin, Thai in the last week, but the good old JH specialty, Indian - mmmmm good! And a poke around the Indian supermarket. I found a pre-packaged Indian food that was so good! Tasty Bites. Catchy name, but organic, or almost. Vegetarian or vegan, no MSG, preservatives, good labeling.

So I am rambling, but why not, huh! In fact I'm not sure why I use pseudonyms and initials, IS ANYBODY OUT THERE???

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wednesday early and late

Then: Sleeping late; coffee; call from Velma ; call to Dorothy; call from Willa; shower, dress. Dressing in this weather is a many-layered thing. Off to lunch with FRB. Good talk. Good Thai.
Food shopping, be sure to take off hat in order to get Sr. Citizen discount (just in case they couldn't tell). Home & delivery. We arrived at same time. Efficient.

Email answering, Lala discs packed up, more phone calls. Off to 5 o'clock tea and service, held in parish house because of lack of heat in church. Saw my little munchkin friends Michaylea and Hayden. Cuties.

Home, check email, call Lisa, call FRB, down to Novo for SAMBA night. Yes, support those starving musicians. The first hour was quiet and empty but not without good moments. The Latino man who did the cha-cha with the singer. Sweet, poignant.

Then the place filled up and of course the 2 Degrees of Separation kicked in and I met Tom's Watson boss and one of his colleagues who happens to be the SIG-OTH of Jim the guitarist.

I left about 9:50, happy with my steak high, and home to check email. Replies to my plea for tree work. Both were polite but not positive. I replied that the work should be done and could be financed (God damnit) so get off your butts. No, of course I didn't say that.

Read the current headlines, played some computer games and here I am!!! 12:30 on Thursday morning. Now you are completely up to date on NOW. But when you read it, it will be THEN.

What can I say? Perhaps this blog should have been entitled 'Beside the Ocean of Time'. Title of a book by an Orcadian poet/novelist, George Mackey Brown.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Georgia, Georgia, the whole night through. . .No, I'm not in a Ray Charles mood, that is the font (type face) I am using. Like it and Garamond a lot.

Why Yikes? I was just browsing and listed a few more discs and Bam! 4 people want them. Cool. It was within seconds, well, a few minutes.

What's up recently? Cat sitting. Worked well, except I overslept one day and had to gradually work back to the regular schedule of 8 & 8. Orbi hid in the closet but Sola was friendly and vocal and sat on me for an hour or two. M says she is calmer when I've been there. Nice, but I think he is flattering me.

Church doings are doing. I continue to be amazed the way people treat each other in church. Not during the service, but in dealings relating to matters related. If God was the HR director, most of them, and me included, would be out on my ear. And I'm one of the ones who tries! This merits a Yikes!

Sank into a funk this weekend partially because of anti-allergy meds, partially 'that ol' devil depression'. I slept most of Saturday but bounced back Sunday, for the most part.

Sunday was the alternative St. Pat's parade in Queens. Was going to go, but decided to stay home and do scanning. I did finish February and loaded it onto a disc, copy for M, copy for T.
April will be for tomorrow. It takes about 3+ hours from start to finish but now I see the plan unfolding for a prospectus. T is writing the copy, M is formatting and I am wracking the brain to write a coherent, persuasive introduction.

The intro gives me a bad flashback to trying to write my law school essay. After 4 hours of no inspiration, I realized I didn't want to be a lawyer at all, so I tore up the applications and threw them in the garbage. And this was a Very Good Thing.

Monday - back to counting. The office was locked and I was tired, so risked the Wrath of IAS, didn't photocopy the checks and just went to the bank. What with cat duty at 8:30, $$$ from 9-12, I was so over my responsibilities! Went to Jahn's for brunch -diet turkey burger plate, then home to tidy up for the cleaning lady.

Monday 7 - meeting of Film Festival group. Bryan runs a mean meeting. We were out by 8:40. Chris brought Malcom who was a real hit with everyone. He is a cutie pie and a nice peaceful baby from what Chris says. Rita, Barrie & I went to Novo for music. Kisses and Coronas all around. Ricky Castro came in, I mentioned to Barrie he has a coop for sale. Upshot, we finished eating & drinking and went to look at Ricky's. Home by 10!

Today up with a call from Velma. I had called her at work yesterday, but had the week messed up - she goes back Next week. Good chat, then shower to get ready for Martha and out to Bernie. Temps in the single digits, so thermal underwear, many layers and I was ready. Good session in FH. I wasn't surprised given the topic and I felt much better talking it out.

Off to Sears for Blue Tape, caulking and paint remover. What a bummer. Only tape. So back to JH and LI Janitor Supply, a really strange store, but they had caulking and at least some labels to read of stripper. What I really want to find is a 'Dip and Strip' place for the doors. Jim H. and I are both looking so I said I'd do some posting and calling around, then pool info.

Msbelle asked me to shepherd MAC to Super Soccer in April. No problem if I am here, and as of the moment, I have no plans.

I sent an email to the Building and Grounds Committee with Green Rose's proposal attached and a plea for approval of the work. I called my favorite editor, LD for help. She cleaned it up and vastly improved it. Hope it works. D & I view the pruning as a priority, esp. the trees that seem to have dead limbs. Sounds like a no brainer, but committees being what they are..

Lunch tomorrow with FRB, tea, church, then down to Novo for the first night of Brazilian Music. Frankly I don't know diddily about it, but Nathan and Jim are going to play and I've heard the singer before and thought she was good. Besides, there might be a steak down there with my name on it.

Someone asked me why I had a blog. I think it is so I won't let the days drift by. Retirement can do that to you.