Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fever, chills, lethargy - is it Spring?

Saturday night. No sleep. Well, 4:30 to wake at 6:30. Up, church, home, chills, under 2 comforters, sleep an hour. Bone chillingly cold, up, hot shower. Very hot, lobster Betsy. Dry, on with the sweats, fleece socks, sweater, fleece jacket, fleece hat. Ahhh. Warm. Sleep 4 hours, wake up drenched. Wash off, change clothes, watch tv, read paper, repeat hot, cold. Shower at 5:50. Awake until 6. Deep sleep but supposed to get up at 8 to get to church at 9. Awakened by DIL call at 9:35. ARGHH! Throw on clothes, rush over to church, feel s*(&^!, count money, take to bank. Come home, eat, have coffee and struggle to stay awake by cleaning up and trying not to think about why I feel so awful. V calls @11:30 and I tell her my tale of woe. She keeps me up until 12:30 when I say, Bathtime! Bath and sleep, glorious sleep. Until she calls me to wake me up at 9:30! And then at 9:35. She knows me so well.

Off to BMG for some serious emotional calesthenics which left me drained, shaken, feeling raw like I'd been sand-papered. That is what happens when you try to stuff things down. Oh, sorry, are in denial. Going to be a tough time ahead.

On the good news front:

Made the flight reservations, got notice tonight that SACO has a place for me in Glasgow.

The bulbs at church are looking strong and not damaged too much by the crazy January weather.

I think I have all the financing in place for the pruning work at church. Friends and family and lovers of things growing.

Martha is coming on Friday. Always good to have a clean place.

Okay, my head is hurting so I'm going to take something and see if I can get over this illness without calling the doctor.

Sto Pro

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