Saturday, March 17, 2007

Celt of a different cloth

Yep, despite being mostly French (to my great surprise), I regard myself as of the Scottish rather than the Irish breed of Gael. But aren't they all Celts? Too late to do the research to find out. Needless to say no green bagels or beer here.

Wuzz up? 14th was vestry meeting, followed by call from friend in AZ. Sleep time? Not much. 15th was taking MsBelle's MAC to doc in 'the city' followed by stop in to Willa, followed by home and sleep. I think.

Small glitch, unless I mentioned this before: the bathroom sink was sloooow draining so I used the plunger. Uh huh. A very good way to pull up all the disgusting sludge and stray leaves that have been blocking our Octogenarian drain pipes. I left the grossness in the sink, too tired and dispirited to deal. Late Friday it drained and I bleached the heck out of it and closed the drain.

Still feeling low so cancelled all Friday and Saturday appointments. Rescheduled M for Saturday AM. He came, assessed the work I would like done, hung a cool lamp for me and as he was doing that the House Prez called and wanted him to do work in the Super's apt. Yay for personal recommendations. Then he went 'Kinnward' amd fixed the armoire.

Feeling low: Too much emotional stuff. I got so good at ZIP filing my emotions that when they began to unzip, I feel completely bereft. It is a strong possibility that this is why I've been running a fever. Seeing Saul on Monday anyway.

I also had breakfast with BP-F. Such a great person. I hope we can continue to work together.

Is that all? Haven't been out since the sleet storm started and going a little stir crazy. Laundry, trying to turn the Room of Doom back into the Guest Room, these are positive things!

Vestry approved the Pruning Project. Now I have to line up a liaison to work with Green Rose while I'm away.

I seem to be rambling. Tomorrow is church - I do OT, then meeting with FRB+, then brunch with M. then?

Stay tuned.

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