Saturday, March 31, 2007

March 30 posting

Well, if you can't post one place, do another. Plan B.

The shower really doesn't work. Christine, the apt. manager and friendly person I've been talking with each time I stay, called the plumber. He said they will have to order a new unit and it won't be here until Monday. Boo. But, she gave me the key to Flat 11, right next door and vacant, so I can shower over the weekend if I want to. YAY!

Had trouble getting to sleep last night, but woke at 7, said Good Grief, and rolled over. The alarm got me up at 8:45 and I made coffee. Good, but not enough. Tomorrow I will double the amount.

Didn't do much, wandered around, Thank goodness for Pound Saver shops, equivalent to 99 cent stores. I got washcloths (6 for a pound) because, as usual I forgot. I definitely have more purchased abroad than I do bought in the US. Also tissues. When I travel my nose runs for a day or two or three.

More construction work being done in the city. I wish I'd taken more general pictures when I first started coming here. Then I'd be able to compare. Fortunately they like to rehab rather than raze, so maybe that is why I am not shocked when I come back. But there is this weird quilted metal skinned building on Watt St. I have to take a look at. I can't tell if it's protection while something is being done to it or an 'architectural statement' I missed.

Just saw the last 5 minutes of the movie 'Michael'. I really like the ending. Movie? Eh, but Andie McDowell does a great song in it.

Going to be sunny for the weekend. Nice.

No plans, and that's fine.

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